GPS Survival Website

Table of Contents

Basic Controls
Extra Menus
Treasure Hunting

Controls Overview

The controls of the game are very simple and require no more than one hand. It consists of traveling with the phone, taps, and holding down on the screen.


You move your player by traveling in the real world, the arrow around the player shows which direction you are facing in the real world relative to the game world.

Selecting Item

The first 5 slots of your inventory are shown in the 5 slots on the right side of the screen, this is known as the "Hotbar". Tapping on one of these slots selects the item and enables it to be used on the world.

Using Item

After a hotbar item is selected tapping/holding on the world will use the item if the usage is valid. Keep in mind that holding down works the same as tapping multiple times and makes doing jobs easier.

Opening Window

On the left side of the screen is buttons to open multiple windows in the game, tapping on these will open the corresponding window.

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Opening Inventory Window

The inventory window can be opened by tapping the "backpack" icon on the left side of the screen.

Viewing Item

When you tap on an item in your inventory, a box will be displayed at the top of the window showing and enlarged image and name of the item.

Moving Item

To move an item or swap spaces of two items you must tap on the item you want to move, and then tap the slot you want to swap it with.

Removing Item

When an item is selected, if you tap on the trash can in the lower left one of the items will be thrown away.

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Opening Crafting Windows

The basic crafting window can be opened by tapping the "blue book" icon on the left side of the screen. "Specific" crafting windows like work bench, furnace, anvil and cooking pot windows can be opened by tapping on the corresponding utilities in the world.

Window Layout

The left of the window shows all available recipes, if the recipe has a lock icon over it special conditions will need to be met. Tapping on a recipe will display it on the right side with crafting/unlock requirements.

Crafting Item

Whenever you open a recipe you have sufficient materials for, the item border on the right side will turn yellow, taping on the item will then craft the item and consume the materials. Keep in mind that you must have at least one empty inventory slot to craft.

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Opening Skills Window

The skills window can be opened by tapping the "red book" icon on the left side of the screen.

Window Layout

This window shows all of the skills currently in the game and your progress on them. The number to the right of the skill name is your current skill level, and the bar underneath is your current progress to the next level.

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Opening Quests Window

The quests window can be opened by tapping the "scroll" icon on the left side of the screen.

Window Layout

This window shows all of the current quests you have accepted from NPCs, along with the required items and the reward for completion. You can hold a maximum of three quests at a time. A quest can be remove by tapping the red "X" beside the quest.

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Opening Extras Window

The extras window can be opened by tapping the "plus" icon on the left side of the screen.

Window Layout

This window shows the rest of the menus in the game. The windows included are: Pets, Gifts, Treasure Hunt, Places, Daily Discounts, Coin Shop, Achievements and Leaderboards.

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The world is made up of chunks, squares of land randomly generated to explore.


Each chunk has a biome which changes the generation and looks of the chunk.


Some chunks have an NPC that resides in it, this NPC will be in that chunk every day with a random position and quest.

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Preparing Soil

To prepare a tile of land for planting, you must select a hoe tool and tap the tile. The tile will turn to soil and using a seed/sapling on it will plant them in it.


Most plants are harvested with a scythe, with the exception of trees which are harvested with an axe. Harvesting is done the same way as using any other tool.

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Random entities spawn on a chunk every 5 minutes. Some entities have special items they drop when defeated.

Initiating Combat

To initiate a battle with an entity, use a sword tool while the entity is relatively close. If the entity was close enough the battle screen will display.

How to Battle

Battling is very simple, there are three card you can flip over in which ever order you want to. The red card is based on the weapon you initiated battle with and the damage is based on the weapons quality. The blue card is based on a random NPC and the damage is based on how many quests you've done for that type of NPC. The green card is based on a random skill and the damage is based on your level for that skill. After all of the cards are flipped the damage of them are added up and dealt to the enemy.

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Fish of Chunk

Each chunk that is not a part of a place will have a random species of fish. The only way to find out the type of the chunk is to reel one in!


To fish in a water tile, find a water tile with bubbles and use a fishing pole on it, this will open the fishing screen and you will need to tap one of the three fishing spots.


To catch a fish you must tap the screen when the bobber is being tugged. Sometimes the bobber will get nibbled so only tap when the bobber stays under.

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Opening Pets Window

The pets window can be opened by tapping the "paw" icon inside of the extras menu.

Window Layout

This window shows all of the pets you currently own, tapping on one will open a pet view window.

Pet View Window

This window shows the information of the selected pet. The hunger and fitness slowly depleted throughout the day while the satisfaction only depletes when hunger and fitness get low. The left and right arrows on the side of the pet lets you change the pets costume.

Taking Out Pet

To take your pet out in the overworld all you have to do is tap on the "select" banner in the pet view window.


When your pet is out select a food item and tap on your pet to feed it.


When your pet is out select a food item and tap on your pet to feed it.

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Dungeons are rare permanent structures that are in some chunks. They are mini adventures that can be done weekly for a gem.

Entering Dungeons

To enter a dungeon you just need to tap it, you can enter it once every three items unless you have completed it.


Gems are the reward you get for completing the dungeon, to use the gem you need to travel with it in your inventory to charge it up and then use it to activate it.

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Treasure hunts are a good way to find diamonds and good quality gear.

Opening Map Window

The map window can be opened by tapping the "map" icon inside of the extras menu.

Window Layout

This window shows a satellite image of an area around you. If you dig near this area you will find the treasure.

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Places are real world locations considered as cities, towns and villages.

Opening Places Window

The pets window can be opened by tapping the "crosshair" icon inside of the extras menu while it is glowing.

Window Layout

The places window is made up of the following: The entity of the place, the fish of the place, shops and information.


Each place has a random assortment of shops to buy items from.

Crate Delivery

At the bottom of the shops menu is options for buying and selling crates. When you buy a crate it will add it to your inventory, and you can take this crate to another city to sell it. The farther you take the crate the more it sells for!

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